Exploration of the Chaotic Behaviour in a Buck–Boost Converter Depending on the Converter and Load Elements

Journal of Electronic Materials(2016)

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In this paper, detailed analyses of the chaotic behavior observed in a buck–boost converter are presented. Although this basic converter system is already known world-wide for the purpose of dc–dc conversion of the output of renewable energy systems, it indicates certain chaotic regimes where both the output amplitude and frequency change randomly. This chaotic regime can yield an unstable output over the resistive or resistive/inductive electrical loads. This study presents a detailed map for the regular and chaotic regions in terms of material parameters, such as converter capacitance C , resistive load R , and inductive load L . Thus, the stable area of operation for efficient and renewable electricity production will be ascertained for the studied converter system. We emphasize that the material parameters C , R , and L play important roles in generating energy from the solar cell; indeed, the stability increases with higher values of the converter capacitor and load inductance, whereas it decreases according to the resistive load. A number of periodic windows have been observed and the output frequency gives a broad-band spectrum of up to 50 kHz.
Chaos,bifurcation,photovoltaic cell,buck-boost converter
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