Unveiling a Socio-Economic System in a Virtual World: A Case Study of an MMORPG.

WWW '18: The Web Conference 2018 Lyon France April, 2018(2018)

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Understanding socio-economic systems in MMORPGs can provide an important implication on how people participate in the economy and how people interact with each other. In this paper, we model the socio-economic system of an Aion, a popular MMORPG, as a multi-layer graph. Using the dataset consisting of 94,870 users and their activity records spanning three months, we examine how economic activities are associated with social interactions, and find that social interactions like participating in a party or exchanging messages are highly correlated with the trade activities. We also find that virtual economy in Aion is heavily inclined to a small number of upper-class userswho play a crucial role in virtual economy. Our analysis on the upper-class users reveals that a significant portion of them reach at the max-level and tend to either (i) have many social interactions with others or (ii) play extremely much time with no social activity. We also reveal that there are some low-level upper-class users who gain much money but hardly socialize with others. Lastly, we show how upper-class users who are at low-levels, play the game extremely much more than others, or rarely interact with other users, are associated with the Real Money Trade (RMT), which may be an illegal behavior that gathers in-game money for exchanging into real-world money. We reveal that more than half of total money exchanged through the trade are associated with the upper-class users who involve in the RMT.
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MMORPG, Real Money Trade, Aion, Socio-Economic Analysis
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