Leveraging the Raspberry Pi for CS Education.

SIGCSE '18: The 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education Baltimore Maryland USA February, 2018(2018)

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The Raspberry Pi (R-Pi) is a single board computer priced at 35 USD -- less than the cost of many textbooks. The current model (3B) includes a quad-core ARM 64-bit CPU, 1GB of RAM, a GPU, and numerous communication ports, including USB, HDMI, Ethernet, WiFi and Bluetooth. This combination of low cost and high functionality creates many new pedagogical possibilities for CS educators, ranging from using the R-Pi to teach assembly language to using it as a multiprocessor. Relatedly, mathematics educators have produced an extensive literature on the use of pedagogical tools known as "manipulatives" that have been shown to be effective at starting students through a "concrete, representational, abstract" progression of understanding of an abstract topic. We believe that by using the R-Pi as a manipulative, this same "concrete, representational, abstract" progression can be used to help CS students master many topics that are often taught as abstractions. By providing a "concrete" foundation on which to build, a single board computer like the R-Pi can provide the first step in helping students build mental models of such abstractions, and thus enhance student learning. Experience also indicates that many students find the R-Pi to be a fun and enjoyable way to learn about these abstractions. In this panel session, four CS educators will share their experiences using the R-Pi in their courses, followed by a Q&A conversation between the audience and the panelists.
cs education,raspberry pi
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