A Model for Reducing Text Files To 20.


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This scheme considers a text file made up of any form of character and then reduces it to either 20 which is the equivalent of binary 1 or zero (0). Compression starts with the identification of the ASCII code for each character represented in the text file and then convert them to their binary number equivalent. Compression is achieved by counting the number of binary strings (zeros and ones) that makes up the text file, this binary string is then stored as n. This quantity is again stored in another variable as mi (where i =0,1,2...,). To continue with the compression, the system takes n as the subtrahend and the equivalent strings of ones (1s) as the minuend. A subtraction operation is performed using the minuend and subtrahend to obtain the difference. At the end of each of this operation the most significant bit (MSB) from the original text would have been removed and then the length of the difference which starts from the most significant bit would be taken as the new n. The new i will be obtained by incrementing it by 1. The process continues with what was done earlier until the subsequent subtractions produces a difference that is either 20 or zero (0). This value is stored as p. Decompression is achieved by subtracting the value of p from the string of ones (1s) with mj (j=i, i-1,...,0) length to recover the last value. The value of j is then decremented by 1 (j-1), after which a test is carried out to determine if j≤0. If this condition is true, control is returned to the loop otherwise it means that the binary string that represents the original message have been recovered. The recovered string is then converted to their ASCII codes to recover the original document.
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