High-Alert Medication Stratification Tool-Revised: An Exploratory Study of an Objective, Standardized Medication Safety Tool.


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OBJECTIVE:To develop an objective tool designed to standardize the identification of high-alert medications (HAMs) according to patient safety risk. METHODS:Medications were evaluated using the High-Alert Medication Stratification Tool (HAMST). Tool revision occurred through assessing medications on an organization-approved HAM list and comparing scores with control medications not included on the list. Because of variations in HAMST interpretation by end users in interdisciplinary committees, a revision of the scoring tool was completed to create the High-Alert Medication Stratification Tool-Revised (HAMST-R), and the assessment was repeated. Both tools range from 0 to 10, with 10 describing agents with highest risk. RESULTS:The median (interquartile range [IQR]) initial HAM (n = 44) score using HAMST was 6 (5-7). The median (IQR) control (n = 45) score was 1 (0-2). Using the modified tool, HAMST-R, the median (IQR) HAM score was 4 (4-6) versus 1 (0-1) for controls. Scores for HAMs were significantly higher than controls using both tools (P < 0.001). A HAMST-R score of 4 or higher defines medications as high alert, as this score includes 75% of HAMs and no controls. CONCLUSIONS:Through this exploratory study, clarification of the tool was required to increase its concurrent validity, interrater reliability, and implementation among other health systems. The revised tool, HAMST-R, is a newly developed, objective tool for standardized identification of HAMs. The tool may also be used for prospective identification of medications as high risk to patient safety during formulary review.
high alert medication, medication safety, risk stratification, risk assessment tool, HAM identification, medication use process, process improvement
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