Software-defined subcarrier wave quantum networking operated by OpenFlow protocol

arXiv: Quantum Physics(2017)

引用 23|浏览7
Future practical implementation of secure quantum communication technology in a multiuser network environment would require automatic monitoring of the optical link condition and quantum system parameters, along with adjusting them in real time according to protocol restrictions. We demonstrate how software-defined networking (SDN) paradigm can be used for addressing this problem on the example of a subcarrier wave quantum communication system, which is promising for network applications. We propose a novel approach to dynamic quantum network routing and communication security based on SDN OpenFlow protocol. SDN-operated dynamic switching between different data encryption methods, quantum or classic, will enable to organize virtual encoding channels with an ability to set the required Quality of Service level for security/bandwidth. These developments will further increase the feasibility of quantum technologies from the network perspective and contribute to bringing them to industrial scale.
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