Poster: Enabling Secure Location Authentication in Drone.

MobiCom '17: The 23rd Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking Snowbird Utah USA October, 2017(2017)

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With the popularity of commodity drones in a wide variety of applications, significant security issues have been raised. One of the major problems is that a legal drone may be illegally hijacked by GPS spoofing attacks. Though some GPS anti-spoofing techniques have been proposed, no effective technique has been implemented in commodity drones yet due to practical limitations. Motivated by the ubiquitous WiFi signals around us, we propose WiDrone, a WiFi fingerprint location cross-check based anti-hijacking system on commodity drones in this poster. WiDrone still relies on GPS for navigation but it will authenticate the destination by comparing current WiFi fingerprint (CWF) with the destination WiFi fingerprint (DWF) when the drone receives a landing order. Furthermore, we propose a WiFi fingerprint authentication algorithm to decide whether CWF matches DWF. We have designed and implemented the prototype of WiDrone on DJI Matrice 100 to ascertain the practicability of proposed system.
Drone, Secure Location Authentication, WiFi
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