Redesigning CAM-SE for peta-scale climate modeling performance and ultra-high resolution on Sunway TaihuLight


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The Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) is ported, redesigned, and scaled to the full system of the Sunway TaihuLight, and provides peta-scale climate modeling performance. We refactored and optimized the complete code using OpenACC directives at the first stage. A more aggressive and finer-grained redesign is then applied on the CAM, to achieve finer memory control and usage, more efficient vectorization and compute and communication overlapping. We further improve the CAM performance of a 260-core Sunway processor to the range of 28 to 184 Intel CPU cores, and achieve a sustainable double-precision performance of 3.3 PFlops for a 750 m global simulation when using 10,075,000 cores. CAM on Sunway achieves the simulation speed of 3.4 and 21.5 simulation-year-per-day (SYPD) for global 25-km and 100-km resolution respectively; and enables us to perform, to our knowledge, the first simulation of the complete lifecycle of hurricane Katrina, and achieve close-to-observation simulation results for both track and intensity.
CAM-SE,peta-scale climate modeling performance,ultra-high resolution,Sunway TaihuLight,Community Atmosphere Model,aggressive finer-grained redesign,finer memory control,CAM performance,260-core Sunway processor,28 to 184 Intel CPU cores,sustainable double-precision performance,size 750.0 m
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