Synthesis And Properties Of Open Fullerenes Encapsulating Ammonia And Methane


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We describe the synthesis and characterisation of open fullerene (1) and its reduced form (2) in which CH4 and NH3 are encapsulated, respectively. The (HNMR)-H-1 resonance of endohedral NH3 is broadened by scalar coupling to the quadrupolar N-14 nucleus, which relaxes rapidly. This broadening is absent for small satellite peaks, which are attributed to natural abundance N-15. The influence of the scalar relaxation mechanism on the linewidth of the H-1 ammonia resonance is probed by variable temperature NMR. A rotational correlation time of tau(c)=1.5ps. is determined for endohedral NH3, and of tau(c)=57 +/- 5ps. for the open fullerene, indicating free rotation of the encapsulated molecule. IR spectroscopy of NH3@2 at 5K identifies three vibrations of NH3 ((1), (3) and (4)) redshifted in comparison with free NH3, and temperature dependence of the IR peak intensity indicates the presence of a large number of excited translational/rotational states. Variable temperature (HNMR)-H-1 spectra indicate that endohedral CH4 is also able to rotate freely at 223K, on the NMR timescale. Inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectra of CH4@1 show both rotational and translational modes of CH4. Energy of the first excited rotational state (J=1) of CH4@1 is significantly lower than that of free CH4.
endofullerenes, inelastic neutron scattering spectroscopy, infra-red spectroscopy, NMR spectroscopy, SpinDynamica
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