Online product review as an indicator of users’ degree of innovativeness and product adoption time: a longitudinal analysis of text reviews


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Online reviews have become extremely valuable sources of information about products and their customers as electronic commerce continues to proliferate rapidly. Previous research has shown that reviews of a product change and evolve over its life. Identifying and understanding patterns of change in reviews and the forces that shape them is an underexplored topic with substantial potential for predicting and improving the market performance of products. In this study, we analyze review text of nearly 50 products over the course of their lives. Our longitudinal analysis of reviews reveals changes in certain personality-related characteristics of buyers in ways that are consistent with the predictions of product adoption and diffusion theories. The main findings and conclusions still hold when we replicate the same procedure on reviews of a different product category. Accordingly, based on online user-generated content in the form of online reviews, this research introduces a novel empirical method for identifying the product adoption and diffusion stage. Implications of the study for theory, methodology, and practice are discussed.
online reviews,user-generated content (UGC),product adoption,product life cycle (PLC),content analysis
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