Integrating Mid-Air Haptics into Movie Experiences

TVX '17: Proceedings of the 2017 ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video(2017)

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\"Seeing is believing, but feeling is the truth\". This idiom from the seventieth century English clergyman Thomas Fuller gains new momentum in light of an increased proliferation of haptic technologies that allow people to have various kinds of `touch' and `touchless' interactions. Here, we report on the process of creating and integrating touchless feedback (i.e. mid-air haptic stimuli) into short movie experiences (i.e. one-minute movie format). Based on a systematic evaluation of user's experiences of those haptically enhanced movies, we show evidence for the positive effect of haptic feedback during the first viewing experience, but also for a repeated viewing after two weeks. This opens up a promising design space for content creators and researchers interested in sensory augmentation of audiovisual content. We discuss our findings and the use of mid-air haptics technologies with respect to its effect on users' emotions, changes in the viewing experience over time, and the effects of synchronisation.
movie experiences,mid-air
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