How open source projects use static code analysis tools in continuous integration pipelines.


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Static analysis tools are often used by software developers to entail early detection of potential faults, vulnerabilities, code smells, or to assess the source code adherence to coding standards and guidelines. Also, their adoption within Continuous Integration (CI) pipelines has been advocated by researchers and practitioners. This paper studies the usage of static analysis tools in 20 Java open source projects hosted on GitHub and using Travis CI as continuous integration infrastructure. Specifically, we investigate (i) which tools are being used and how they are configured for the CI, (ii) what types of issues make the build fail or raise warnings, and (iii) whether, how, and after how long are broken builds and warnings resolved. Results indicate that in the analyzed projects build breakages due to static analysis tools are mainly related to adherence to coding standards, and there is also some attention to missing licenses. Build failures related to tools identifying potential bugs or vulnerabilities occur less frequently, and in some cases such tools are activated in a \"softer\" mode, without making the build fail. Also, the study reveals that build breakages due to static analysis tools are quickly fixed by actually solving the problem, rather than by disabling the warning, and are often properly documented.
Continuous Integration, Static Analysis Tools, Empirical Study, Open Source Projects
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