Simplification of multibody models by parameter reduction.

arXiv: Robotics(2017)

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Model selection methods are used in different scientific contexts to represent a characteristic data set in terms of a reduced number of parameters. Apparently, these methods have not found their way into the literature on multibody systems dynamics. Multibody models can be considered parametric models in terms of their dynamic parameters, and model selection techniques can then be used to express these models in terms of a reduced number of parameters. These parameter-reduced models are expected to have a smaller computational complexity than the original one and still preserve the desired level of accuracy. They are also known to be good candidates for parameter estimation purposes. In this work, simulations of the actual model are used to define a data set that is representative of the systemu0027s standard working conditions. A parameter-reduced model is chosen and its parameter values estimated so that they minimize the prediction error on these data. To that end, model selection heuristics and normalized error measures are proposed. Using this methodology, two multibody systems with very different characteristic mobility are analyzed. Highly considerable reductions in the number of parameters and computational cost are obtained without compromising the accuracy of the reduced model too much. As an additional result, a generalization of the base parameter concept to the context of parameter-reduced models is proposed.
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