Stakeholder-Informed "Choosing Wisely" Implementation Project In Regional Oncology Clinics.


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207 Background: ASCO launched the Choosing Wisely campaign to reduce the use of interventions that lack evidence for their use in clinical cancer care. The recommendations have strong support, but lack an implementation plan. The objective of this project is to develop a stakeholder-informed process to improve adherence to ASCO Choosing Wisely within an experimental context.Participants include Medical Directors from 7 oncology clinics and 1 commercial insurer within the Puget Sound region, and the SEER Puget Sound Cancer Registry. The project consists of 3 phases (1) prioritization, (2) design, (3) implementation and monitoring. For phase 1, Medical Directors were surveyed via e-mail to prioritize the recommendations with the following criteria: importance for improving the value of cancer care; impact of adherence; urgency; and feasibility of implementing an intervention. Participants met via teleconference to discuss survey results, review regional utilization data, and design of interventions. Participants were surveyed again for a final ranking. In phase 2, participants discussed options for interventions and study designs.Initially, the highest ranked recommendations were advanced imaging in staging of local stage prostate cancer, surveillance of local and regional stage breast cancer, and colony stimulating factor (CSF) use for low risk chemotherapy. After discussion, breast cancer surveillance and CSF prescribing ranked the highest. Participants requested utilization and cost-impact data from the health insurer for the top 2 choices.Using a transparent, multi-stakeholder process, it is feasible to implement programs to improve adherence to ASCO Choosing Wisely.
regional oncology clinics,implementation project,stakeholder-informed
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