Electro-mechanical conditioning of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes for translational research.

Katharina Kroll, Mamta Chabria,Ken Wang, Fabian Häusermann,Franz Schuler,Liudmila Polonchuk

Progress in Biophysics and Molecular Biology(2017)

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Rationale: Impaired maturation of human iPSC-derived cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) currently limits their use in experimental research and further optimization is required to unlock their full potential. Objective: To push hiPSC-CMs towards maturation, we recapitulated the intrinsic cardiac properties by electro-mechanical stimulation and explored how these mimetic biophysical cues interplay and influence the cell behaviour. Methods and results: We introduced a novel device capable of applying synchronized electrical and mechanical stimuli to hiPSC-CM monolayers cultured on a PDMS membrane and evaluated effects of conditioning on cardiomyocyte structure and function. Human iPSC-CMs retained their cardiac phenotype and displayed adaptive structural responses to electrical (E), mechanical (M) and combined electromechanical (EM) stimuli, including enhanced membrane N-cadherin signal, stress-fiber formation and sarcomeric length shortening, most prominent under the EM stimulation. On the functional level, EM conditioning significantly reduced the transmembrane calcium current, resulting in a shift towards triangulation of intracellular calcium transients. In contrast, E and M stimulation applied independently increased the proportion of cells with L-Type calcium currents. In addition, calcium transients measured in the M-conditioned samples advanced to a more rectangular shape. Conclusion: The new methodology is a simple and elegant technique to systematically investigate and manipulate cardiomyocyte remodelling for translational applications. In the present study, we adjusted critical parameters to optimize a regimen for hiPSC-CM transformation. In the future, this technology will open up new avenues for electro-mechanical stimulation by allowing temporal and spatial control of stimuli which can be easily scaled up in complexity for cardiac development and disease modelling. (C) 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes,Electro-mechanical stimulation,Maturation,Ca2+ handling,Electrophysiology
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