Colon reconstruction after the Hartmann procedure. Laparoscopy or laparotomy?

Magyar sebeszet(2017)

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The Hartmann procedure - primarily - was introduced for the treatment of cancerous diseases of sigmoid colon and rectum. In the last few years it was performed in cases with complicated inflammation of the left colon, colon cancers with bowel obstruction or perforation, or in the case of insufficiency of the anastomoses, or in urgent operations after traumatics bowel injuries, when making the anastomosis is at very high risk. Later on the restoration of the continuity of the GI tract can be done traditionally (by laparotomy) or laparoscopically. We present our experiences with the above technique, and also compare our results with traditional open surgeries in our patients.
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Hartmann reversal,colon reconstruction,laparoscopy,laparoszkópia,minimal invasive surgery,minimálisan invazív sebészet,rekonstrukció Hartmann-műtét után,vastagbél-rekonstrukció
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