Efficient Dynamic Malware Analysis Based On Network Behavior Using Deep Learning

2016 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM)(2016)

引用 25|浏览68
Malware authors or attackers always try to evade detection methods to accomplish their mission. Such detection methods are broadly divided into three types: static feature, host-behavior, and network-behavior based. Static feature-based methods are evaded using packing techniques. Host-behavior-based methods also can be evaded using some code injection methods, such as API hook and dynamic link library hook. This arms race regarding static feature-based and host-behavior-based methods increases the importance of network-behavior-based methods. The necessity of communication between infected hosts and attackers makes it difficult to evade network-behavior-based methods. The effectiveness of such methods depends on how we collect a variety of communications by using malware samples. However, analyzing all new malware samples for a long period is infeasible. Therefore, we propose a method for determining whether dynamic analysis should be suspended based on network behavior to collect malware communications efficiently and exhaustively. The key idea behind our proposed method is focused on two characteristics of malware communication: the change in the communication purpose and the common latent function. These characteristics of malware communications resemble those of natural language from the viewpoint of data structure, and sophisticated analysis methods have been proposed in the field of natural language processing. For this reason, we applied the recursive neural network, which has recently exhibited high classification performance, to our proposed method. In the evaluation with 29,562 malware samples, our proposed method reduced 67.1% of analysis time while keeping the coverage of collected URLs to 97.9% of the method that continues full analyses.
classification performance,recursive neural network,natural language processing,data structure,malware communication,code injection methods,packing techniques,network-behavior detection method,host-behavior detection method,static feature detection method,malware detection methods,malware authors,deep learning,dynamic malware analysis
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