Turnover and transport of agglutinins in conjugatingChlamydomonas gametes


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Summary During gamete-gamete adhesion in the unicellular green algaChlamydomonas eugametos, the sexual adhesion molecules or agglutinins that are located on the flagella are subject to tip-oriented migration and rapid inactivation. It is demonstrated that sexual adhesiveness is maintained by incorporation of additional agglutinins, recruited from a cellular pool. The location of this reservoir is unknown but, as indicated by its insensitivity to the chaotropic agent guanidine thiocyanate, it appears to be distinct from the large amount of agglutinins on the plasma membrane of the cell body. By viewing flagella of conjugating gametes in a confocal scanning laser microscope after immuno-labelling of the agglutinins, evidence was obtained for a linear arrangement of the agglutinins in two rows on the flagellar surface. This suggests that after insertion at the base of the flagellum, the agglutinins follow linear tracks to the tip and that the transport system is confined to two longitudinal domains. It is estimated that the half-life of flagellar agglutinins drops from 1–2 h in nonconjugating gametes to 1 min during conjugation, which suggests that after incorporation at the flagellar base, the agglutinins migrate to the tip with a velocity of 100 nm/s. Presumably after arrival at the tip, the molecules are inactivated. It is postulated that rapid turnover and transport of agglutinins are required for optimal signalling between partner gametes.
Cell adhesion,Chlamydomonas, Flagellum, Gamete activation, Receptor turnover, Sexual agglutinins, Signalling
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