A NoSQL Data Model for Scalable Big Data Workflow Execution

2016 IEEE International Congress on Big Data (BigData Congress)(2016)

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While big data workflows haven been proposed recently as the next-generation data-centric workflow paradigm to process and analyze data of ever increasing in scale, complexity, and rate of acquisition, a scalable distributed data model is still missing that abstracts and automates data distribution, parallelism, and scalable processing. In the meanwhile, although NoSQL has emerged as a new category of data models, they are optimized for storing and querying of large datasets, not for ad-hoc data analysis where data placement and data movement are necessary for optimized workflow execution. In this paper, we propose a NoSQL data model that: 1) supports high-performance MapReduce-style workflows that automate data partitioning and data-parallelism execution. In contrast to the traditional MapReduce framework, our MapReduce-style workflows are fully composable with other workflows enabling dataflow applications with a richer structure, 2) automates virtual machine provisioning and deprovisioning on demand according to the sizes of input datasets, 3) enables a flexible framework for workflow executors that take advantage of the proposed NoSQL data model to improve the performance of workflow execution. Our case studies and experiments show the competitive advantages of our proposed data model. The proposed NoSQL data model is implemented in a new release of DATAVIEW, one of the most usable big data workflow systems in the community.
Big Data Workflows,NoSQL,Clouds
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