Extended Gihs Fusion For Pan-Sharpening Based On Image Model

2016 IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS)(2016)

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An extended GIHS (EGIHS) fusion approach is presented for merging the panchromatic (PAN) image and the multi-spectral (MS) image with model-based optimization (MBO). The pan-sharpened MS image is posed as the optimization solution of the proposed functional, which consists of two energy terms. The first energy term injects the details of the PAN image into the MS image with the generalized IHS (GIHS) fusion model and the second energy term preserves the spectral contents of the MS image by enforcing the low-pass version of the pan-sharpened image should be close to the original up-sampled MS image, in which the low-pass filter is developed based on the modulation transfer function (MTF) of the different MS band. The pan-sharpened MS images are decoupled in the proposed method, which allows an efficient implementation. Experiments on IKONOS and QuickBird datasets demonstrate that the proposed approach outperforms the state-of-the-art fusion models including IHS-based GIHS, GIHSA, IHS-BT, MBO-based Adaptive IHS and MRA-based AWLP.
pansharpening,GIHS fusion,variational fusion,gradient descend flow
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