Molecular Water Lilies: Orienting Single Molecules in a Polymer Film by Solvent Vapor Annealing.


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The microscopic orientation and position of photoactive molecules is crucial to the operation of optoelectronic devices such as OLEDs and solar cells. Here, we introduce a shape-persistent macrocyclic molecule as an excellent fluorescent probe to simply measure (i) its orientation by rotating the excitation polarization and recording the strength of modulation in photoluminescence (PL) and (ii) its position in a film by analyzing the overall PL brightness at the molecular level. The unique shape, the absorption and the fluorescence properties of this probe yield information on molecular orientation and position. We control orientation and positioning of the probe in a polymer film by solvent vapor annealing (SVA). During the SVA process the molecules accumulate at the polymer/air interface, where they adopt a flat orientation, much like water lilies on the surface of a pond. The results are potentially significant for OLED fabrication and single-molecule spectroscopy (SMS) in general.
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molecular water lilies,orienting single molecules,polymer film
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