Gps For Qsp: A Summary Of The Acop6 Symposium On Quantitative Systems Pharmacology And A Stage For Near-Term Efforts In The Field

C J Musante, D R Abernethy, S R Allerheiligen, D A Lauffenburger, M G Zager


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This article provides a summary, conclusions, and actions resulting from the symposium entitled "GPS for QSP: Where We've Been, Where We Are and Where We're Going," which took place during the Sixth Annual American Conference on Pharmacometrics (ACoP6) in Washington, DC on October 6, 2015. The symposium sought to contextualize the current status of QSP based on its multidisciplinary roots and its historical successes and challenges in order to establish its next direction. Like most fields, this area has evolved from independent, innovative efforts rather than from an overarching, strategic plan. While this diversity is largely responsible for the success of QSP today, it essentially represents the beginning of an emerging discipline. The goal of the session was to explore how history has shaped QSP and to use that understanding to set a course for its advancement as a scientific and practical discipline. The symposium included presentations by industrial, academic, and regulatory scientists followed by a panel discussion that produced three main themes as critical for the future success of QSP as a discipline. These themes resulted in new goals within the International Society of Pharmacometrics' (ISoP) Special Interest Group (SIG) on QSP to engage the community to address them.
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