OpenCL caffe: Accelerating and enabling a cross platform machine learning framework


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Deep neural networks (DNN) achieved significant breakthrough in vision recognition in 2012 and quickly became the leading machine learning algorithm in Big Data based large scale object recognition applications. The successful deployment of DNN based applications pose challenges for a cross platform software framework that enable multiple user scenarios, including offline model training on HPC clusters and online recognition in embedded environments. Existing DNN frameworks are mostly focused on a closed format CUDA implementations, which is limiting of deploy breadth of DNN hardware systems. This paper presents OpenCL™ caffe, which targets in transforming the popular CUDA based framework caffe [1] into open standard OpenCL backend. The goal is to enable a heterogeneous platform compatible DNN framework and achieve competitive performance based on OpenCL tool chain. Due to DNN models' high complexity, we use a two-phase strategy. First we introduce the OpenCL porting strategies that guarantee algorithm convergence; then we analyze OpenCL's performance bottlenecks in DNN domain and propose a few optimization techniques including batched manner data layout and multiple command queues to better map the problem size into existing BLAS library, improve hardware resources utilization and boost OpenCL runtime efficiency. We verify OpenCL caffe's successful offline training and online recognition on both server-end and consumer-end GPUs. Experimental results show that the phase-two's optimized OpenCL caffe achieved a 4.5x speedup without modifying BLAS library. The user can directly run mainstream DNN models and achieves the best performance for a specific processors by choosing the optimal batch number depending on H/W properties and input data size.
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