Live streaming of 4K ultra-high definition video over the internet

MMSys'16: Multimedia Systems Conference 2016 Klagenfurt Austria May, 2016(2016)

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HTTP Adaptive Streaming (HAS) is the de facto standard for video streaming services over the Internet. In HAS, each video is temporally segmented and stored in different qualities. The client selects the quality level for every video segment based on network conditions, allowing a smooth playback with the best possible Quality of Experience (QoE). Although results are promising, current solutions suffer from two problems. First, a low quality and large end-to-end latency are often observed in live streaming scenarios. Second, freezes in the video playout may occur in case of sudden drops of the available bandwidth. We reduced these issues using two complementary approaches. First, we reduced the live latency using the new HTTP/2 server push in combination with super-short segments. Second, we designed an OpenFlow-based network controller that prioritizes the delivery of particular segments to avoid freezes at the clients. The proof-of-concept shows the results obtained when two clients stream a video under varying network conditions. By monitoring the clients' behavior, it is possible to understand the gains brought by the proposed approaches. Particularly, we demonstrate how our solutions consistently reduce the live latency in high round-trip time networks and video freezes caused by network congestion. These results represent a major improvement for the QoE of the final users.
HTTP Adaptive Streaming, Live Latency, HTTP/2, Server Push, Video Freezes, OpenFlow, Prioritization, Quality of Experience
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