Kinetics of indium separation and recovery from In-Sn alloys in ITO waste target products via vacuum evaporation


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The environmentally friendly recycling of ITO waste material to regenerate indium resources is crucial for sustainability. The hydrogen reduction process, particularly the green and low-carbon technique of vacuum distillation, is crucial in the production of In-Sn alloys. However, a thorough examination of the mechanics underlying its evaporation throughout this process has yet to be performed. These mechanics are investigated in the present study for 92In-8Sn alloys under specific conditions, including temperatures between 1173 and 1373 K, pressure of 5 Pa, and crucible depth of 25 mm. The relationship between temperature and the rate of volatilization is mathematically represented as omega = e(a+b center dot T). Furthermore, the equation omega = A2 + (A1 -A2)/(1 + e(h-h0)/ dh) was used to predict the dependency of the volatilization rate on crucible depth, ranging from 25 to 65 mm at 1323 K and 5 Pa. The mass transfer coefficients for the alloy at different temperatures were calculated, and a theoretical kinetic model for evaporation behavior indicated that vapor-phase mass transfer is the limiting step in the process of vacuum distillation of this alloy. This study presents a theoretical basis for the retrieval of In from the In-Sn alloy using vacuum distillation.
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Key words
ITO,In-Sn,Kinetic model,Rate equation,Vacuum
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