Multi-view clustering via spectral partitioning and local refinement.

Inf. Process. Manage.(2016)

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A new multi-view clustering algorithm is proposed.The proposed MVNC algorithm uses spectral partitioning and local refinement.MVNC is compared to state-of-the-art algorithms using three real-world datasets.MVNC significantly outperforms the other algorithms.MVNC is parameter-free unlike existing multi-view clustering algorithms. Cluster analysis using multiple representations of data is known as multi-view clustering and has attracted much attention in recent years. The major drawback of existing multi-view algorithms is that their clustering performance depends heavily on hyperparameters which are difficult to set.In this paper, we propose the Multi-View Normalized Cuts (MVNC) approach, a two-step algorithm for multi-view clustering. In the first step, an initial partitioning is performed using a spectral technique. In the second step, a local search procedure is used to refine the initial clustering.MVNC has been evaluated and compared to state-of-the-art multi-view clustering approaches using three real-world datasets. Experimental results have shown that MVNC significantly outperforms existing algorithms in terms of clustering quality and computational efficiency. In addition to its superior performance, MVNC is parameter-free which makes it easy to use.
Multi-view clustering,Spectral clustering,Local refinement,Normalized cuts
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