An Approach to Provide Visual Data Service for Heterogeneous Sensor Data Based on SSN Ontology

2015 International Conference on Identification, Information, and Knowledge in the Internet of Things (IIKI)(2015)

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Along with the occurrence and continuous development of semantic sensor web, more and more sensor data is released on network in the format of RDF. In order to solve the problem that heterogeneous sensor data can hardly be integrated, we design and develop a service system for sensor data on the basis of mapping sensor data to RDF. In this paper, we propose an approach to provide visual data service for heterogeneous sensor data which is in the format of RDF. Moreover, we design a system to generate SPARQL query statements dynamically and automatically according to the conditions which are selected by users. Our approach can also support the semantic inferences based on custom logic rules by users. The query result sets can be displayed in the form of diagram by using visualization technology. Additionally, we also show the query results on Baidu map intuitively and accurately. The experiment shows that it is convenient for the applications of sensor data.
semantic sensor web,SSN ontology,sensor data,semantic query,visualization
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