Dependencies and graphical interfaces in object-oriented simulation languages

Winter Simulation Conference(1987)

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An object-oriented style of computation is especially well-suited to simulation in domains that may be thought of as consisting of intentionally interacting components. In such domains, the programmer can map the constituent domain components onto objects, and intentional interactions (e.g. communications) onto message transmissions. However, some events or interactions between real world objects cannot be modeled as naturally as we might like. Improper modeling of these interactions inevitably leads to inconsistent simulation states and processing errors.The research reported in this paper identifies two categories of simulation activities that are unnatural and difficult to implement in object-oriented simulations: (1) scheduling events which depend on the continuous aspect of time; and (2) presenting a graphical display of a simulation so that any changes in the simulation state are immediately visible.Following a discussion of these deficiencies, we present a methodology for performing these tasks that is transparent to the simulation programmer. Our approach utilizes extensions to the Ross object-oriented language allowing a programmer to declaratively specify characteristics of the simulation dealing with time dependent attributes and graphics display strategies. The example presented in this paper demonstrates the many advantages of our declarative approach to maintaining consistency. With these capabilities, we expect object-oriented simulation languages to become increasingly attractive for modeling dynamic systems.
simulation languages,graphical interfaces,object-oriented
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