Building an IPv6 address generation and traceback system with NIDTGA in Address Driven Network

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences(2015)

引用 14|浏览44
In the design and construction process of Next Generation Internet, it is important to identify the source of each IP packet forwarding accurately, especially for the support of precise fine-grained management, control, traceability and improving the trustworthiness of the Internet. This paper designed a scalable Network Identity (NID) scheme for the Internet users, proposed NIDTGA (Network Identity and Time Generated Address), an IPv6 address generation algorithm embedded NID and time information, then designed and implemented an IPv6 address generation and traceback system based on NIDTGA. The design of NIDTGA, which reflects the length, time and owner attributes of the IP address, can be a good support to ADN (Address Driven Network). At the same time, by embedding the key elements of user identity and time in the IPv6 address, and by taking into account both the traceability and privacy, NIDTGA can provide a technical basis for the establishment of the network trust mechanism, and achieve the traceability of security event.
network identity, IPv6, Address Driven Network, IP traceback, IP address generation, 用户网络身份标识, 下一代互联网, 地址驱动网络, IP 地址追溯, IP 地址生成, 120102
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