Photon and η production in p+Pb and p+C collisions at

M M Aggarwal, Z Ahammed, A L S Angelis,V Antonenko,V Arefiev,V Astakhov,V Avdeitchikov,T C Awes,P V K S Baba,S K Badyal,S Bathe,B Batiounia,C Baumann,T Bernier,K B Bhalla,V S Bhatia,C Blume,D Bucher,H Busching,L Carlen,S Chattopadhyay,M P Decowski,H Delagrange,P Donni,M R Dutta Majumdar,K El Chenawi,A K Dubey,K Enosawa,S L Fokin,V V Frolov,M S Ganti,S Garpman,O Gavrishchuk,F J M Geurts,T K Ghosh,R Glasow, B N Guskov,H A Gustafsson,H H Gutbrod,I Hrivnacova,M Ippolitov,H Kalechofsky,R Kamermans,K Karadjev,K Karpio,B W Kolb,I Kosarev,I Koutcheryaev,A Kugler,P Kulinich,M Kurata,A Lebedev,H Lohner,L Luquin,D P Mahapatra,V I Manko, Maria Aldaya Martin,G Martinez,A Maximov, Y Miake,G C Mishra,Bedangadas Mohanty,M J Mora,D P Morrison,T Mukhanova,D Mukhopadhyay,H Naef, B K Nandi,S K Nayak,T K Nayak,A Nianine,V Nikitine,S Nikolaev,Peter Nilsson, S Nishimura,P Nomokonov, J Nystrand, A Oskarsson,I Otterlund,S Pavliouk,T Peitzmann,D Peressounko,V Petracek,S C Phatak,W Pinganaud,F Plasil,M L Purschke,J Rak,M Rammler, R Raniwala,S Raniwala,N K Rao,F Retiere,K Reygers,G Roland, L Rosselet,I Roufanov, C Roy,J M Rubio,Sanjeev Singh Sambyal,R Santo, S Sato,H Schlagheck,H R Schmidt,Y Schutz,G Shabratova,T H Shah,I Sibiriak,T Siemiarczuk,D Silvermyr,B C Sinha,N Slavine,K Soderstrom,G Sood,S P Sorensen,P W Stankus,G Stefanek,Peter Steinberg, E Stenlund,M Sumbera,T Svensson,A Tsvetkov,L Tykarski,E C V D Pijll,N V Eijndhoven, Gerrit Jan Van Nieuwenhuizen, A Vinogradov,Y P Viyogi, A S Vodopianov,S Voros, B Wyslouch,G R Young

Nuclear Physics A(2013)

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Measurements of direct photon production in p+Pb and p+C collisions at sNN=17.4 GeV are presented. Upper limits on the direct photon yield as a function of pT are derived and compared to the results for Pb+Pb collisions at sNN=17.3 GeV. The production of the η meson, which is an important input to the direct photon signal extraction, has been determined in the η→2γ channel for p+C collisions at sNN=17.4 GeV.
Nuclear reactions,measured,deduced,Compared to Pb+Pb results at similar energy
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