Enuresis in obstructive sleep apnea syndrome patients


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Introduction : Although in children with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) secondary involuntary nocturnal voiding (enuresis) is a common and well recognized symptom, it is encountered less frequently in adults suffering from OSAS. Aims and Objectives : The aim of our study was to reveal the extent of the symptom of enuresis among adult OSAS patients in the Greek population. Methods : The patients recruited in this study underwent overnight polysomnography and existing co-morbidities were recorded according to a relative questionnaire. The cohort consisted of 165 patients, 121 of which were males and 44 were females. Results : Statistical analysis was performed using the ANOVA test. Our results revealed that patients presenting enuresis had a greater apnea/hypopnea index (AHI). Mean age of our patients was 55 years and the average BMI turned out 21.41 kg/m 2 . A percentage of 65% of the cohort population were current smokers, 75% were consuming at least one coffee daily and only 2% were consuming alcohol on a daily basis. We also used multivariate analysis to examine the role of several factors such as age, deliveries in women, coffee consumption, diuretics, Diabetes Mellitus (DM), the number of arousals, the lowest SaO2 during sleep, smoking habits, sleep efficiency and AHI in enuresis in OSAS patients. Conclusions : Our study showed that patients without enuresis had a lower AHI than those complaining for involuntary nocturnal voiding (p=0.03). A better understanding of the pathogenesis of enuresis needs follow-up of the CPAP treatment and urodynamics of the bladder.
Sleep disorders,Apnoea / Hypopnea,Epidemiology
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