Pro-adrenomedullin, procalcitonin and CRP levels to predict bacterial pneumonia in patients admitted to emergency room

European Respiratory Journal(2011)

引用 23|浏览9
Objectives: To assess if MR-proADM, PCT and CRP levels can distinguish bacterial pneumonia from other kind of lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI). Methods: Patients with fever and respiratory symptoms that were admitted in emergency room (ER) and from whom blood cultures were drawn. After retrospective analysis, patients were classified as: pneumonia (n=85), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbation (n=25) and bronchial infection (n=52). Four patients were admitted to ICU and 9 died. Results: PCT showed significantly higher levels in pneumonia when comparing with COPD exacerbation (p=0.003) and bronchial infection (p=0.002). CRP only showed significantly higher levels when comparing pneumonia group vs bronchial infection (p=0.002). Finally, MR-proADM showed statistical higher levels when comparing pneumonia group with COPD exacerbation (p=0.014) and bronchial infection (p=0.006). PCT and MR-proADM showed significantly higher levels in cases of definite bacterial diagnosis in comparison to other cases (pneumonia of probable bacterial or unknown origin, COPD exacerbations and bronchial infections) (p=0.017 and p=0.004). PCT and MR-proADM are significantly higher in patients admitted to ICU (p=0.011 and p=0.001). Regarding mortality, no significant differences were found. Conclusions: PCT and MR-proADM show significantly higher levels in pneumonia in comparison to other lower respiratory tract infections. PCT and MR-proADM levels are increased in confirmed bacterial infections. Biomarkers measurement can be helpful for the management of patients admitted in ER with clinical symptoms of respiratory tract infection.
bacterial pneumonia,procalcitonin,crp levels,pro-adrenomedullin
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