Survey of non-invasive ventilation use for acute respiratory failure in respiratory wards in Poland

European Respiratory Journal(2011)

引用 23|浏览3
Introduction: Non-invasive ventilation (NIV) is one of the most important developments in pulmonology over the last two decades. NIV reduces need to intubation and mortality in acute respiratory failure secondary to several conditions. NIV requires qualified staff and access to appropriate equipment. Aim of the study was to assess use of NIV in respiratory wards (RW) in Poland and to reveal main obstacles and difficulties in its use. Methods: Using survey methodology we developed a questionnaire comprising 11 questions about methods, indications and technical aspects of NIV. Survey was send by mail to all hospitals with RW in Poland. Results: Prevalence of NIV according to hospital grade is shown in table. NIV is used in 75% of RW with high dependency unit (HDU) and in 27% without HDU. The main indication to NIV has been acute exacerbation of COPD, 73% of all patients treated with NIV. Majority of RW (71%) treat up to 5 patients per month. Main obstacles to development of NIV is lack of equipment and adequate structure of the ward. Conclusions: Prevalence of NIV availability within RW in Poland is low and strongly depends on the grade of hospital and the presence of HDU.
acute respiratory failure,respiratory wards,ventilation,non-invasive
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