A head position detectable “Air Micro Frenzel” glasses

Mika Minami,Yasuko Arai,Suguru Nishida, Hiroshi Sunose,Yasuhiko Takei, Masao Yamamoto

Equilibrium Research(2014)

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The positional and positioning tests are essential when we see patients with vertigo. Recently we examined cases of nystagmus using glasses with CCD infra-red cameras which enabled us to detect even the slightest nystagmus, and to record it. However, one of the problems is that we cannot record the head position, so when we review the record afterwards, we do not know the head position at the moment when the nystagmus was released. In order to solve this problem we developed a device which enabled us to see both the eye movement and concurrent head position at once on the remote display terminal such as an iPad or iPhone. We applied the “Air Micro Frenzel” glasses (Scala Company) with which the pictures of the eye movement detected by a C-MOS sensor are sent via high fidelity wireless to the remote receiver such as an iPad or iPhone, and so on, to be shown and/or recorded. We improved the device, and equipped the glasses with a gravity sensor positioned near the CCD camera so that the information of the head position is also shown on the same remote display. As a result, our newly developed device enabled us to observe nystagmus and concurrent head position at the same time on the same display. Some technical problems remain, however, such as stabilization of the glasses on the patient's head, so we are now developing an improved device.
air micro frenzel”,glasses,head position
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