SU‐E‐I‐82: CT Protocol Translation in a Multi‐Vendor, Multi‐Hospital Environment


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Purpose: To review issues involved with designing CT protocols for achieving consistent standards in a multi‐vendor and multi‐institutional enterprise.Methods: Achieving consistent CT protocols is complicated by a variety of factors. Even in a given institution, CT's from different vendors complicate standardizing protocols. An approach based on uniform CTDI values for exam types may meet with resistance due to individual radiologistimage preference. The situation is further complicated in multi‐institutional settings where patient demographics, radiologist, and clinician cultures can vary widely. At UT Southwestern, there are three major institutions using CT equipment from different vendors and servicing distinct patient population groups. A children's hospital, a teaching county hospital, and a university hospital are serviced by a common radiology group. Recent media attention to CTdose, and recommendations by the Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) have spurred State regulatory bodies to draft requirements for dosemanagement. Examples are given outlining methods to achieve consistent protocols across our facilities, based on experience at UT Southwestern.Results: The approach at UT Southwestern was based on CRCPD recommendations. Further guidance was found in ACR, the Image Gently, and Image Wisely campaigns. A specific result, is given of translating a set of pediatric protocols from the children's hospital to adult facilities employing CT's from different vendors Conclusions: CT protocols can be standardized in multi‐vendor and multi‐ institutional environments. A critical aspect of the process is buy‐in from the radiology staff and further support from management.
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