Genotoxicity of Organic Extracts in Water from Jilin City Section of the Second Songhua River

Applied Mechanics and Materials(2014)

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The second Songhua River has severe organic contamination due to domestic sewage and industrial wastewater. It is important to determine its genotoxic activity, which is a potential hazard for human health. The micronucleus assay and lymphocytes SCGE assay were employed to examine the genotoxic activity of organic extracts of water samples taken from upstream, midstream and downstream in Jilin City section of the second Songhua River in dry season and in wet season, respectively. Micronucleus assay results showed that there were significant increases in water samples at doses of 25L/kg and 50L/kg. The genotoxicity seemed to be less when compared with the results from dry season to wet season and to be strong from upstream to downstream. A similar result was also obtained in DNA damage on lymphocytes by SCGE assay. These results indicate that the organic extracts of water samples taken from the Songhua River show genotoxic activity. The risks of potential harm for human health in the Songhua River should be studied further.
water pollution,organic extracts,genotoxicity,DNA damage
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