How Do the Chinese Make Love? A Community Based Survey in China


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Aims: To investigate how the Chinese make love. Methods: From Jan. 2009 to Dec. 2009, a survey was carried out of 600 adults (300 male and 300 female adults) in Tianhe community (Guangzhou, China). Information included masturbation, sexual foreplay, oral sex, intercourse, coordination with sexual partner, self-evaluation of one’s sexual function. Results: 255 females and 229 males fulfilled the questionnaires. 48.8% females and 68.7% males admitted of masturbation experiences. 59.9% women reported some passionate touch before sex, and 63.2% men reported some moderate touch. One third of the women could accept oral intercourse, while two thirds of the men couldn’t accept oral intercourse. The frequency of sexual intercourse per month is less than 10 times in 72.5% women and 77.7% men. 72.9% men and 54.9% women would like to frequently change the position in sexual intercourse. Still, 72.9% men and 54.9% women would like to coordinate with the sexual partner when she/he had sexual requirement. 74.1% women thought her sexual function as general level. Conclusions: The results of the present study indicated that most men and women in China could enjoy their sex lives through the most common way: sexual intercourse. Although masturbation and oral sex are two of the common sex activities, part of the adults still had a negative attitude towards the two activities, especially women.
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