Suscetibilidade diferencial de espécies convolvuláceas ao flumioxazin determinada através de curvas de dose-resposta

M Nicolai, F E B Obara,M S C Melo, J A Souza Junior, R Cantalicesouza,P J Christoffoleti


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The weeds commonly known as morning glory belong to the genus Ipomoea and Merremia, and are among the most important in Brazil. The identification of these species under field conditions and knowledge of their specific susceptibility to herbicides, notably to flumioxazyn, presenting variable specific tolerance, is essential for the elaboration of rational management recommendations. Aiming to determine the differential susceptibility of the convolvulacea Ipomoea purpurea, Ipomoea hederifolia, Ipomoea triloba, Merremia cissoides and Merremia aegyptia, dose-response curves were built with the herbicide flumioxazyn to obtain the control levels of 50, 80, 95, and 99%. Thus, two experiments were conducted under greenhouse conditions, and for each species, the herbicide treatments were: 0; 7.81, 15.63, 31.25, 62.5, 125, 250, and 500 g of flumioxazyn ha(-1), applied in pre-emergence conditions. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that susceptibility to the herbicide flumioxazyn, in crescent order, is as follows: Merremia aegyptia < Ipomoea hederifolia < Ipomoea triloba < Ipomoea purpurea < Merremia cissoides. The doses providing 80% of control are respectively, according to the species order, 238.6; 173.1; 84.7; 43.8 and 16.8 g of flumioxazyn ha(-1). Merremia aegyptia is not satisfactorily controlled by flumioxazyn.
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Key words
Ipomoea spp.,Merremia spp.,morning glory,control
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