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Genesis of the Proterozoic Mangabeira tin–indium mineralization, Central Brazil: Evidence from geology, petrology, fluid inclusion and stable isotope data

Ore Geology Reviews(2014)

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The Mangabeira deposit is the only known Brazilian tin mineralization with indium. It is hosted in the Paleo- to Mesoproterozoic Mangabeira within-plate granitic massif, which has geochemical characteristics of NYF fertile granites. The granitic massif is hosted in Archean to Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary rocks (Ticunzal formation), Paleoproterozoic peraluminous granites (Aurumina suite) and a granite–gneiss complex. The mineralized area comprises evolved Li-siderophyllite granite, topaz–albite granite, Li–F-rich mica greisens and a quartz–topaz rock, similar to topazite. Two types of greisens are recognized in the mineralized area: zinnwaldite greisen and Li-rich muscovite greisen, formed by metasomatism of topaz–albite granite and Li-siderophyllite granite, respectively. Cassiterite occurs in the quartz–topaz rock and in the greisens. Indium minerals, such as roquesite (CuInS2), yanomamite (InAsO4·2H2O) and dzhalindite (In(OH3)), and In-rich cassiterite, sphalerite, stannite group minerals and scorodite are more abundant in the quartz–topaz rock, and are also recognized in albitized biotite granite and in Li-rich muscovite greisen. The host rocks and mineralized zones were subsequently overprinted by the Brasiliano orogenic event.
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Key words
Tin,Indium,A-type granite,Fluid inclusion,Stable isotopes,Brazil
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