The Offshore Wave Simulation Based on the Improved P-M Spectrum and Multiple Fractal Interpolation

Ying Li, Rui Zhou,Hao Kuan Li, Ming Wang

Advanced Materials Research(2014)

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The Pierson - Moskowitz model is only applicable to full growth state of the waves, and it has low authenticity and hopping phenomenon under the condition of offshore shallow water. This paper proposes a simulation model of offshore wave based on the improved P-M spectrum and multiple fractal interpolation methods. In order to calculate the sea wave with shallow water, a spectrum peak regulation factor and a depth of the water factor are introduced to the P - M spectrum model. Based on this model, the wavelength and wave speed are used as the initial values of wave height. Then, the amplitude and the number of iterations in diamond square fractal method are controlled to obtain the fractal static sea. In order to reduce the influence of the hopping phenomenon to the simulation authenticity, meanwhile, a multiple dynamic non-uniform interpolation method is proposed. The experimental results show that the proposed model can simulate offshore wave with better effect and in real time.
offshore wave simulation,multiple fractal interpolation,spectrum
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