Research of Time-of-Use Tariff Considering Electric Vehicles Charging Demands

Advanced Materials Research(2014)

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With the large-scale EV(electric vehicle) integrating into the power system, new challenges has been brought to the planning as well as the security of the network. There will be a great impact on the system if the system operator ignores the vast quantity of EV charging at the same. Thus, taking measures, e.g. the multiple tariff, is of vital importance to give the guidance to the EV owners to charging wisely to save the daily cost on charging, as well as reduce the gap between peak load and valley load. A model for TOU has been presented in this paper. In the model , an objective function is declared to describe the purpose of TOU, and the optimal solution is gained according to the response of EV when the price of electricity changes. Finally , a case based on the daily load curve of a certain place is calculated with the model in this paper.
electric vehicles,charging,time-of-use
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