The 12 μm ISO-ESO-Sculptor and 24 μm Spitzer faint counts reveal a population of ULIRGs as dusty massive ellipticals. Evolution by types and cosmic star formation

Astronomy and Astrophysics(2007)

Cited 15|Views10
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Context.Multi-wavelength galaxy number counts provide clues to the nature of galaxy evolution. The interpretation per galaxy type of the mid-IR faint counts obtained with ISO and Spitzer, consistent with the analysis of deep UV-optical-near IR galaxy counts, provide new constraints on the dust and stellar emission. Discovering the nature of new populations, such as high redshift ultra-luminous (≥10) infrared galaxies (ULIRGs), is also crucial for understanding galaxy evolution at high redshifts.
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cumulant,astrophysics,radio galaxies,spatial resolution,luminosity function,elliptical galaxies,star formation,infrared,galaxy evolution
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