Distribution of Plutonium, Americium and Interfering Fission Products between Nitric Acid and a Mixed Organic Phase of TODGA and DMDOHEMA in Kerosene, and Implications for the Design of the "EURO-GANEX" Process


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For the homogeneous recycling of actinides from spent nuclear fuels, within the future nuclear fuel cycle based on a transition to fast neutron reactors, a new GANEX (Grouped Actinide Extraction) process is under development. This potentially provides a simpler, more proliferation resistant hydrometallurgical process for recycling actinides. The so-called EURO-GANEX process is based on liquid–liquid extraction into an organic phase comprising 0.2mol/L TODGA and 0.5mol/L DMODHEMA in an odourless kerosene diluent. Before testing the EURO-GANEX process with dissolved fast reactor spent fuel, data are required on the distribution ratios of likely problematic fission products (Fe, Sr, Zr, Mo, Tc, Ru, Pd) under typical extraction and scrubbing conditions. Also, suitable conditions must be defined for the selective backwashing of the transuranic actinides (specifically plutonium and americium) in the presence of extracted lanthanide elements.
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Key words
Actinide,Lanthanide,Fission product,GANEX,Reprocessing,Plutonium,Americium,TODGA,DMDOHEMA
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