Study of gluing and wire bonding for the Belle II Silicon Vertex Detector

K H Kang, K Hara,Teruhiko Higuchi, H J Hyun,H B Jeon,C W Joo,D H Kah, Hyung Jung Kim,T Mibe, Y Onuki,H Park,K K Rao,Nobuhiro Sato, Norihiro Shimizu,K Tanida,T Tsuboyama,S Uozumi

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment(2014)

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This paper describes an investigation into gluing and wire bonding for assembling the Silicon Vertex Detector (SVD) for the Belle II experiment at KEK in Japan. Optimizing the gluing of the silicon microstrip sensors, the support frame, and the readout flex cables is important for achieving the required mechanical precision. The wire bonding between the sensors and the readout electronic chips also needs special care to maximize the physics capability of the SVD. The silicon sensors and signal fan out flex circuits (pitch adapters) are glued and connected using wire bonding. We determine that gluing quality is important for achieving good bonding efficiency. The standard deviation in the glue thickness for the best result is measured to be 3.11μm. Optimal machine parameters for wire bonding are determined to be 70mW power, 20gf force, and 20ms for the pitch adapter and 60mW power, 20gf force, and 20ms for the silicon strip sensors; these parameters provide a pull force of (10.92±0.72) gf. With these settings, 75% of the pitch adapters and 25% of the strip sensors experience the neck-broken type of break.
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Key words
Gluing,Wire bonding,Belle II,Silicon Vertex Detector,Silicon sensor,Pitch adapter
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