In-depth and in-plane profiling of light emission properties from semiconductor-based heterostructures


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Cathodoluminescence (CL) technique is applied for evaluation of in-depth and in-plane variations of light emission from semiconductor heterostructures, including laser diode structures. Light emission properties of heteroexpitaxial and homoepitaxial structures are studied. We demonstrate possibility of in-depth profiling of complicated multi quantum well structures, which allows us to evaluate light emission characteristics from different regions of. e.g.. loser structures Due to this property of the CL, we can evaluate interconnections between structural quality of the samples and light emission characteristics. Stimulated emission under election beam pumping is achieved in a conventional CL set up for selected heterostructures. Threshold currents for stimulated emission am evaluated from the CL investigations. We demonstrate that potential fluctuations are not fully screened in the active regions of laser structures. even at large excitation densities.
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semiconductors,heterostructures,cathodoluminescence,depth-profiling,defect distribution,laser emission
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