Determination of 55-155-155-1in second order QCD from hadronicZ decays

P. Abreu,W. Adam,F. Adami,T. Adye,T. P. A. Åkesson,G. D. Alekseev,P. Allen,S. Almehed,S. J. Alvsvaag,U. Amaldi,E. Anassontzis,P. Antilogus,W. D. Apel,R. Apsimon,B. Åsman,J. E. Augustin,A. Augustinus,P. Baillon,P. Bambade,F. Barão,R. Barate,G. Barbiellini,D. Y. Bardin,A. Baroncelli,O. Bärring,W. Bartl,M. J. Bates,M. Battaglia,M. Baubillier,K. H. Becks,C. Beeston,M. Begalli,P. Beillière,Yu. Belokopytov,P. Beltran,D. Benedic, J. Benlloch,M. Berggren,Daniel Bertrand,F. Bianchi,M. S. Bilenky,P. Billoir,J. Bjarne,D. Blöch,S. Blyth,V. Bocci,P. N. Bogolubov,T. Bologneşe,M. Bonapart,M. Bonesini,W. Bonivento,P.S.L. Booth,P. Borgeaud,G. Borisov,H. Borner,C. Bosio,B. Boštjančič,O. Botner,B. Bouquet,C. Bourdarios,M. Bozzo,S. Braibant,P. Branchini,K. D. Brand,R. Brenner,H. Briand,C. Bricman,R.C.A. Brown,N. Brümmer,J. M. Brunet,L. Bugge,T. Buran,H. Burmeister,J. Buytaert,M. Caccia,M. Calvi,Aurelio Juste Rozas,A. Campion,T. Camporesi,V. Canale,F. Cao,F. Carena,L. Carroll,C. Caso,E. Castelli,M. V. 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European Physical Journal C(1992)

引用 117|浏览5
Distributions of event shape variables obtained from 120600 hadronicZ decays measured with the DELPHI detector are compared to the predictions of QCD based event generators. Values of the strong coupling constant αs are derived as a function of the renormalization scale from a quantitative analysis of eight hadronic distributions. The final result, αs(M Z), is based on second order perturbation theory and uses two hadronization corrections, one computed with a parton shower model and the other with a QCD matrix element model.
quantitative analysis,perturbation theory,second order
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