Predictores de funcionalidad en el daño cerebral adquirido


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Introduction: Most individuals who have survived an acquired brain injury present consequences affecting the sensorimotor, cognitive, affective or behavioural components. These deficits affect the proper performance of daily living activities. The aim of this study is to identify functional differences between individuals with unilateral acquired brain injury using functional independence, capacity, and performance of daily activities. Method: Descriptive cross-sectional design with a sample of 58 people, with right-sided injury (n = 14 TBI; n = 15 stroke) or left-sided injury (n = 14 TBI, n = 15 stroke), right handed, and with a mean age of 47 years and time since onset of 4 +/- 3.65 years. The functional assessment/functional independence measure (FIM/FAM) and the International Classification of Functioning (ICF) were used for the study. Results: The data showed significant differences (P<.000), and a large size effect (dr=0.78) in the cross-sectional estimates, and point to fewer restrictions for patients with a lesion on their right side. The major differences were in the variables 'speaking' and 'receiving spoken messages' (ICE variables), and 'Expression', 'Writing' and 'intelligible speech' (FIM/FAM variables). In the linear regression analysis, the results showed that only 4 FIM/FAM variables, taken together, predict 44% of the ICE variance, which measures the ability of the individual, and up to 52% of the ICE, which measures the individual's performance. Gait alone predicts a 28% of the variance. Conclusions: It seems that individuals with acquired brain injury in the left hemisphere display important differences regarding functional and communication variables. The motor aspects are an important prognostic factor in functional rehabilitation. (C) 2013 Sociedad Espanola de Neurologia. Published by Elsevier Espana, S.L.U. All rights reserved.
Funcionalidad,Daño cerebral adquirido,Especialización hemisférica,Hemisferio derecho,Hemisferio izquierdo,Independencia funcional
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