Electrical activity and circulatory effects of nitrite in the rat cerebrum

Izvestiia Akademii nauk. Seriia biologicheskaia(2015)

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An association between the cerebrum electrical activity (CEA) in rats, blood supply of its cortex microregions (linear blood flow), and general cerebrum blood flow under acute nitrite hypoxia was studied. The phase character of the change in hemodynamic indices and the total capacity of electroencephalography (EEG) spectrum for 75 min after sodium nitrite introduction (30 mg/kg of body weight) was detected. The first phase (30 min) was associated with cerebrum adaptation to hypotension caused by nitrite and was completed by EEG normalization. The second phase was characterized by pathological EEG changes (in spite of restoration of hemodynamics in the cerebrum) caused by the growth of oxygen debt in the nervous tissue as a result of a decrease in the blood oxygen capacity by 60–75 min of the effect of nitrite.
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Key words
Nitrite, Biology Bulletin, Sodium Nitrite, Phase Character, Total Spectral Power
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