MRI Volumetric Analysis, Cognitive Profiles And Biomarkers In A Sample Of Argentina -ADNI Patients (P3.211)


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OBJECTIVE: Our goal was to analyze MRI brain volumetry and its correlation to clinical impairment, cognitive profiles and other Alzheimer’s disease (AD) biomarkers in order to determine useful clinical volumetric cutoff points. BACKGROUND: According to the pathological stages described by Braak and Braak (1991), hippocampic atrophy is one of the earliest findings in AD. MRI volumetry is a low-cost in vivo study to quantify brain atrophy. In contrast to MRI , CSF biomarkers and PET imaging are restricted to small groups of patients. The relationship between multiple AD biomarkers and its relative usefulness is not yet clear. Our evaluation of peer review literature led us to believe that a careful quantitative analysis of brain volumetry in selected patients could make the use of other AD biomarkers unnecessary. DESIGN/METHODS: 45 patients of the Argentina-ADNI database were included (12 controls, 12 early MCI (eMCI), 13 late MCI (lMCI) and 8 dementia AD). All of them had a baseline MRI Brain Volumetry including Absolute Hippocampal volume, whole brain volume and a hippocampal/whole brain ratio (Hi/WBV). A baseline neuropsychological assessment was performed (According ADNI protocol). PET-FDG, PET-Pib, CSF biomarkers. RESULTS: No significant differences between right and left hippocampus were detected. Whole brain volume was similar between groups, but hippocampal volume was inversely related to clinical impairment. Specially Hi/WBV ratio. 88% of AD, 46% of LMCI and 42% of eMCI were below a cutoff point of 0.0025. In addition, 92% of control patients had a Hi/WBV superior to 0.0025 value. On the other hand, 68.4% of patients who had Hi/WBV 0.0025. A quantitative measurement of hippocampal metabolism (FDG-PET) showed a direct correlation between clinical impairment and hippometabolism. CONCLUSIONS: A reliable cutoff point to measure hypocampal atrophy could be determined using MRI volumetry, this findig correlates with clinical impairment and the presence of other AD biomarkers. Disclosure: Dr. Fernandez Suarez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Russo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Chrem Mendez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Ventrice has nothing to disclose. Dr. Surace has nothing to disclose. Dr. Russo has nothing to disclose. Dr. Campos has nothing to disclose. Dr. Nahas has nothing to disclose. Dr. Sevlever has nothing to disclose. Dr. Vazquez has nothing to disclose. Dr. Allegri has nothing to disclose.
mri,cognitive profiles,biomarkers
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