Advances in Molecular Quantum Chemistry Contained in the Q-Chem 4 Program Package

Yihan Shao,Zhengting Gan,Evgeny Epifanovsky,Andrew Gilbert,Michael Wormit, Joerg Kussmann,Adrian W Lange,Andrew Behn,Jia Deng,Xintian Feng,Debashree Ghosh,Matthew Goldey,Paul R Horn,Leif D Jacobson,Ilya Kaliman,Rustam Z Khaliullin,Tomasz Kuś,Arie Landau,Jie Liu,Emil Proynov,Young Min Rhee,Ryan M Richard,Mary A Rohrdanz,Ryan P Steele,Eric J Sundstrom,H Lee Woodcock,Paul M Zimmerman,Dmitry Zuev,Ben Albrecht,Ethan Alguire,Brian Austin,Gregory J O Beran,Yves A Bernard,Eric Berquist,Kai Brandhorst,Ksenia B Bravaya,Shawn T Brown,David Casanova,Chunmin Chang,Yunqing Chen,Siu Hung Chien,Kristina D Closser,Deborah L Crittenden,Michael Diedenhofen,A Robert Distasio,Hainam Do,Anthony D Dutoi,R G Edgar,Shervin Fatehi,Laszlo Fustimolnar,An Ghysels,Anna Golubevazadorozhnaya,Joseph Gomes,Magnus W D Hansonheine,Philipp H P Harbach,Andreas Hauser,Edward G Hohenstein,Zachary C Holden,Thomasc Jagau,Hyunjun Ji,Benjamin Kaduk,Kirill Khistyaev,Jihan Kim,Rollin A King, Phil Klunzinger,Dmytro Kosenkov,Tim Kowalczyk,Caroline M Krauter,Ka Un Lao,Adele D Laurent,Keith V Lawler,Sergey V Levchenko,Ching Yeh Lin,Fenglai Liu,Ester Livshits,Rohini C Lochan,Arne Luenser,Prashant Uday Manohar,Samuel F Manzer,Shanping Mao,Narbe Mardirossian,Aleksandr V Marenich,Simon A Maurer,Nicholas J Mayhall,Eric Neuscamman,C Melania Oana,Roberto Olivaresamaya, Darragh P O Neill,John A Parkhill,Trilisa M Perrine,Roberto Peverati,Alexander H Prociuk,Dirk R Rehn,Edina Rosta,Nicholas J Russ,Shaama Mallikarjun Sharada,S Sharma,David W Small,Alexander J Sodt,Tamar Stein,David Stuck,Yuchuan Su,Alex J W Thom,Takashi Tsuchimochi,Vitalii Vanovschi,L Vogt,Oleg A Vydrov,Tao Wang,Mark A Watson,Jan Wenzel,Alec F White,Christopher F Williams,Jun Yang,Sina Yeganeh,Shane R Yost,Zhiqiang You,Igor Ying Zhang,Xing Zhang,Yan Zhao,Bernard R Brooks,Garnet K L Chan,Daniel M Chipman,Christopher J Cramer,William A Goddard,Mark S Gordon,Warren J Hehre,Andreas Klamt,Henry F Schaefer,Michael W Schmidt,C David Sherrill,Donald G Truhlar,Arieh Warshel,Xin Xu,Alan Aspuruguzik,Roi Baer,Alexis T Bell,Nicholas A Besley,Jengda Chai,Andreas Dreuw,Barry D Dunietz,Thomas R Furlani,Steven R Gwaltney,Chaoping Hsu,Yousung Jung,Jing Kong,Daniel S Lambrecht,Wanzhen Liang,Christian Ochsenfeld,Vitaly A Rassolov,Lyudmila V Slipchenko,Joseph E Subotnik,Troy Van Voorhis,John M Herbert,Anna I Krylov,Peter M W Gill,Martin Headgordon


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A summary of the technical advances that are incorporated in the fourth major release of the Q-Chem quantum chemistry program is provided, covering approximately the last seven years. These include developments in density functional theory methods and algorithms, nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) property evaluation, coupled cluster and perturbation theories, methods for electronically excited and open-shell species, tools for treating extended environments, algorithms for walking on potential surfaces, analysis tools, energy and electron transfer modelling, parallel computing capabilities, and graphical user interfaces. In addition, a selection of example case studies that illustrate these capabilities is given. These include extensive benchmarks of the comparative accuracy of modern density functionals for bonded and non-bonded interactions, tests of attenuated second order Moller-Plesset (MP2) methods for intermolecular interactions, a variety of parallel performance benchmarks, and tests of the accuracy of implicit solvation models. Some specific chemical examples include calculations on the strongly correlated Cr-2 dimer, exploring zeolite-catalysed ethane dehydrogenation, energy decomposition analysis of a charged ter-molecular complex arising from glycerol photoionisation, and natural transition orbitals for a Frenkel exciton state in a nine-unit model of a self-assembling nanotube.
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Key words
quantum chemistry,electron correlation,electronic structure theory,Q-Chem,computational modelling,software,density functional theory
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